Sunday 12 February 2017

Welcome to 2017 and Year 4

We have had a terrific start to 2017 and I am pleased with the progress made by all students. Throughout the first couple of weeks we have been setting standards, establishing routines and revising previous concepts and skills. By next week we will be increasing the pace and depth of content.

Aussie Day: Many children come dressed in 'Aussie' style clothes.  A gold coin donation was encouraged with all money raised going towards a yet to be determined charity,The Cancer Foundation. 

Parent Information Evening: Monday 13th February will be the information evening. it will be held in Room 12 at 6.15p.m. Everyone is welcome to come along. You are encouraged to ask any questions on the evening. Hope to see you all there.

Motivational Work: This consists of spelling, reading and math. As well as any unfinished class work.
It would be terrific to see everyone reading as it will also ensure our Literacy Pro word count will increase throughout the term.